AndStatus Change Log

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2024-12-08 v.62.00 (367) Mastodon login fixed

  1. Due to recent Mastodon changes login to Mastodon stopped working with "The requested scope is invalid, unknown or malformed" error message. Fixing it here. #596
  2. Updated to target Android 15.

2023-12-06 v.61.00 (365) Twitter is no longer supported

  1. There is no free access to reading tweets anymore. So we cannot support Twitter in the Open Source app. More details in #579

2023-07-16 v.60.04 (364) Fix ActivityPub newer page request

  1. Fix ActivityPub "next" page was requested when no "prev" page link was present. See Friendica #12775

2023-02-04 v.60.03 (363) Improve account access problems detection

  1. Remember timeline syncing errors. Improve detection if timeline is syncable. In a case automatically syncable timeline fails with UNAUTHORIZED response, account is marked as failed. User needs to go to Settings -> Accounts -> Manage Accounts -> and log in again.
  2. "(Re)verify credentials" button really checks access for ActivityPub C2S accounts. #574
  3. OAuth 2.0 refreshToken and Token Introspection implemented. #562

2023-01-17 v.60.01 (361) Avoid confusing current account

  1. Current account should always correspond to the selected timeline. I.e. it cannot be from another Social Network. On app start current account should be the one that belongs to current timeline (i.e. to the Default timeline).
    Show my account's avatar on an Action bar of a timeline in a case the timeline is for current account. #566

2022-12-30 v.59.15 (360) Improve OAuth 2.0 and ActivityPub C2S support

  1. Support OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata (RFC 8414).
    According to "OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata" (RFC 8414) before starting OAuth authorization AndStatus client tries to obtain OAuth endpoints from "/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server" path. This change allows using ActivityPub with servers that have OAuth endpoints different from Mastodon's. #561
  2. Dynamic Client Registration compliant with RFC 7591.
  3. Working with #microblogpub team we are improving ActivityPub Client-to-Server support in AndStatus. Follow/unfollow action implemented. #564

2022-12-12 v.59.10 (355) Fix background syncing

  1. Fix background syncing on Android 12+

2021-09-30 v.59.05 (349) More intelligent choice of an Actor for replies

  1. When deciding on a default actor to reply to a message, check if any of my actors is already a participant of this conversation.
  2. Sooner retries of throttled downloads: Throttled commands can be retried after the required delay period passed. Before this change the whole retry queue was processed periodically without looking at each command's "timeToRetry".
  3. Notifications on Home timeline messages are turned off by default. Go to Settings -> Notifications to set, which events cause notifications.

2021-08-28 v.59.04 (348) Send a note with an attachment on Wi-Fi only

  1. Don't send a note with an attachment when download of attachments is not allowed e.g. when "Download attachment over Wi-Fi only" is set and we are not on Wi-Fi connection.

2021-08-13 v.59.02 (346) Faster timelines and images downloading

  1. Faster timelines and images downloading: now up to 2 processes load timelines and up to 4 processes load images concurrently.
  2. Fixed long timeouts during attempts to load files from non-working server over SSL.
  3. Maximum local storage (cache) size increased up to 10 million notes and 100 years.

2021-06-23 v.59.01 (345) Show Send button near the composed note

  1. New Settings option "Show Send button near the composed note" in "Gestures" section replaces the old and not working "ENTER key sends a note" option. #533
  2. Support Magnet URI as a "downloadable ID" of an object. Intended for ActivityPub but will work for any Social network. #535

2021-04-27 v.58.04 (343) Background syncing and migration to Kotlin

  1. Fixed background syncing on Android 9+.
  2. Fixed downloads (avatars/attachments) with redirects, in which location is relative or absolute path without host and protocol.
  3. AndStatus fully migrated from Java to Kotlin.
  4. Add "Log out" button to the "Account" screen.
  5. Fix image resizing in a timeline.

2021-01-19 v.57.07 (338) Fix adding Twitter account

  1. Fix adding Twitter Account. It appeared that Twitter doesn't like "AndStatus" user agent anymore. This is ID of the app's internal web browser that worked for more than 10 years...
  2. Fix Chinese Traditional translation.
  3. Fix crash on loading video in some devices before Android 10.

2020-07-04 v.57.04 (335) Fix adding new account in

  1. Fix adding new account in

2020-06-21 v.57.03 (334) Animated images and Video preview. User's preferred screen orientation

  1. For Android 9+ only: Animations of animated images are shown by default. Both in attachments and in avatars. GIF and WebP are supported. Settings -> Appearance -> "Show image animations" option allows to turn this behavior off. It appears that currently only ActivityPub (implemented by Pleroma) and networks (i.e. server parts of them) support WebP and keep GIFs as is. Other servers simply reject WebP and convert GIFs to video... #330
  2. Animated image and video on Twitter is shown as a preview image with a "Play" button on it. This is the same behavior as for other social networks.
  3. "Play" button on a video preview image is moved to the bottom corner to allow better view of the image.
  4. Screen orientation is not "unspecified", as before, but "The user's current preferred orientation" that is set by a User for the whole Android device. In particular, this allows to use landscape mode on smartphones (and not on tablets only, as before).
  5. Added "App instance name" setting to help identifying AndStatus backups.

2020-06-08 v.56.13 (330) Show numbers of likes, replies and reblogs for a Note

  1. Show numbers of likes, replies and reblogs for Mastodon; likes and retweets for Twitter. Added similar to #ActivityPub #C2S, hope the same counters will be supported there also.
  2. Added Actors's name ("Real name") as a separate field to Actor's profile. Created landscape layout for Actor's profile.
  3. v.56.11. Fixed repeated restarts of Timeline and Settings activities.
  4. v.56.12. Fixed 'Reply to mentioned actors' when nobody is mentioned.
  5. v.56.13. Fixed attachment of video files on Android before v.10.

2020-05-20 v.56.08 (325) Simplified interface to add new account in Mastodon

  1. Simplified interface to add new account in Mastodon. You don't need to add "Social network" separately. Just type (host of) instance and proceed to Log in.
  2. Fixed "App language" switch.
  3. Fixed Conversations view in Twitter.

2020-05-12 v.56.02 (319) Avatars and attachments syncing performance improved

  1. Since its creation years ago AndStatus used only one background process (thread) to post and to download information from the Internet. Images downloads were considered low priority tasks, so avatars and attachments appeared noticeably later than text of a timeline, especially when multiple timelines and accounts were synced one after one.
    With this release a separate process is responsible for images downloading, so overall syncing performance improvement should be visible.

2020-05-05 v.56.00 (317) Private notes from Mastodon

  1. Implemented receiving Private ("Direct") notes from Mastodon. It appeared that such notes should be queried from a Server via a separate timeline (just like in Twitter and GNU Social).

2020-04-26 v.55.01 (313) ActivityPub Client to Server improvements

  1. This release was focused on supporting new and improved #ActivityPub features that appeared both in #Pleroma and, surprisingly, in #Mastodon also. You can really start experimenting with ActivityPub social network type if you have an account at Pleroma site with latest v.2.x Pleroma builds... Posting with image attachments works.
  2. Mastodon (not AndStatus!) doesn't give you enough features to switch client connection to ActivityPub simply because Home timeline and posting via ActivityPub connection is not supported yet (corresponding pages give 404 Not found error).
    But you can see our own posts on Mastodon servers and navigate to other Actors and their post via them (you can see profiles of other Actors and see their posts...). You can even play with Mastodon as an "ActivityPub" type Social network in AndStatus today! But prepare to see empty Home timeline and to be read-only there for now. Switch to "Sent" timeline and see your Actor's posts, see other actors and their posts similarly...
    These new Mastodon improvements make me very optimistic about the future of ActivityPub in client apps across all server platforms.
  3. Some important fixes, including more Avatars and Images will be shown.
  4. More convenience for developers. Logging of network level messages (including response headers) improved. Even file names with responses are much clearer now, e.g. or (real names from my log). Remember that logs are stored for 10 days and can be optionally included in a Backup!
    Server developers, please use AndStatus as your testing client!

2020-04-17 v.54.01 (311) Explicit Public, to Followers and Private posts

  1. Each Note now has "Public", "to Followers" or "Private" words under the Note's text. And this works for Mastodon, ActivityPub and Social networks. Private Notes are not a special kind of posts, they are just sent to explicitly mentioned recipients only.
  2. Support of open #ActivityPub Client-to-Server protocol extended. As we see now, not only Pleroma supports this protocol: Mastodon sites also started to respond to some ActivityPub C2S requests properly...
  3. Discovered and fixed an old bug that sometimes prevented downloading of avatars and images ("location" header was not recognized).

2020-03-26 v.53.02 (306) Explicit Public and Followers recipients. Mastodon's 'Status privacy'

  1. During Note composition we can now explicitly set Public and Followers groups as the Note recipients. Combination of the two groups' checkboxes corresponds to Mastodon's "Status privacy" (visibility) options:
    Mastodon calls "private" messages, for which "Public" checkbox is cleared.
    And it calls "Direct" messages, for which "Followers" checkbox is cleared also (and thus the note/status will be sent only to users, mentioned in the note's body).
  2. Addressing notes to Public and Followers groups is explicitly shown in timelines. This is shown, in particular, for Mastodon notes.

2019-12-21 v.53.00 (304) The first step of Groups support

  1. Groups as a kind of "Actors" appeared. Group's timeline type added. Actual groups as kind of recipients are now discovered in GNU Social notes by "!groupname" references. #AndStatus can discover groups in previously downloaded notes using "Settings - Thoubleshooting - Check and fix data" procedure (that may be quite long though...). We're expecting to extend Groups support in #GNUSocial, #ActivityPub, etc. as server-side developers extend related client-to-server APIs... More details and discussion are here: #248

2019-11-24 v.52.02 (301) Multiple attachments

  1. Show multiple attachments for incoming notes. Create notes with multiple attachments for ActivityPub C2S, for Mastodon and Twitter. #189
  2. Get max note size for Pleroma from instance config.

2019-08-12 v.51.02 (298) Preparation for Group support

  1. Group is a special type of Actor. "Friends" and "Followers" groups automatically created based on existing information. New groups will be added, when we figure out, how to discover them and how to deal with them... #248
  2. Fixed new account addition, including a case when a User adds new Mastodon instance AND immediately adds an account in it.

2019-07-13 v.50.06 (295) Word suggestions in the Note Editor

  1. As it was reported that on some devices there are no word suggestions during Note composing, we added another tweak (android:inputType = "textAutoComplete" actually) to explicitly instruct keyboard to show them.

2019-07-07 v.50.05 (294) Refresh Timeline on navigating Back

  1. In a case a User navigates "back", the Timeline (or any loadable list...) being reappearing (from the Android stack") should be updated as if it was just opened. This will lead to the Timeline loading delay though, but will ensure the content is up to date.
  2. Fixed crash in the cancelled async execution
  3. Fixed crash on opening Timeline selector or other "selectors"

2019-07-02 v.50.04 (293) Bugfixes

  1. Fix commands for an Actor at specific Social Network (e.g. Get Actor information, Download Avatar)

2019-06-30 v.50.03 (292) Bugfixes

  1. Avoid duplicated mentions
  2. Selecting "Discard" Options menu item during draft editing actually discards (deletes) the draft
  3. Make notification visible in a timeline even if we couldn't find our Actor, who should be notified.
  4. Clear "Outbox" notification, when an activity has been successfully sent
  5. Better way to find out if conversation can be downloaded. get at leastprevious activity of the conversation.

2019-06-01 v.50.01 (290) Sensitive flag and CW/Summary for a Toot/Note

  1. Added "summary" (Content warning) Note property and "Sensitive" flag (checkbox in the Editor). If the Note (Toot) is Sensitive, starting a Reply to that toot the app makes the Reply Sensitive also, and copies Summary (CW) from the parent toot also.
    Sensitive content may be made visible or invisible in the Navigation drawer (or in Settings -> Timeline). #507
  2. More Mastodon attachments are shown now ("remote" media files are shown in a case the type of the local ones is "unknown")

2019-05-25 v.49.00 (288) Home notification

  1. Added "Home Timeline" notification type that allows to be notified on any note received via the Home Timeline (Inbox). It's turned on by default. Can be turned off in Settings -> Notifications. #508
  2. Improved identification of the same Actors (users) in posts that cross instances and types of Social networks (ActivityPub / Mastodon / GNU Social).
  3. Fixed posting via ActivityPub Client to Server protocol. #499

2019-05-01 v.48.00 (287) Bugfixes and Accounts renamed

  1. AndStatus accounts renamed to "userName@hostName/networkTypeOrNetwokName" to allow Duplicated accounts in different Social networks. This is another step in internal data unification based on #ActivityPub model.
  2. Fix mentions in "Reply to..." actions

2019-04-14 v.47.13 (286) Backup feature is enhanced: Optionally backup and restore media files and logs

  1. Backup feature enhancements simplify application's testing and troubleshooting. Now AndStatus allows to backup current data, then do reinstalls and experiments with other versions and settings. And finally restore everything to the same or any other device as it was before the first backup.
    1. New option added to the Storage section: "Backup media files: attachments and avatars". Now AndStatus can backup and restore them.
    2. New option added to the Troubleshooting section: "Backup log files". Now AndStatus can backup and restore them.
  2. Default color theme changed from "Light" to "Device Default". Nowadays this theme is more popular.

2019-04-11 v.47.11 (284) Fixed lost drafts and duplicated actors

  1. Fixed: Draft were lost in a case earlier draft of the same account already existed.
  2. Fixed: Duplicated actors were created in case of incomplete info on them received (e.g. id and username only).

2019-03-27 v.47.09 (282) Better mobile traffic protection

  1. Size of downloaded files/streams is controlled during download, and not after download completion, as before. This allows to stop downloading a file (or reading a timeline), which appeared to be larger than configured "Maximum size of an attachment"
  2. If attachments are configured to be downloaded via Wi-Fi only: During download, AndStatus checks periodically, if Wi-Fi connection is still active. In case Wi-Fi connection is lost, the download is interrupted and will be retried later.

2019-03-17 v.47.06 (279) Avatars and Attachments improved

  1. Fixed custom language selection (for Android 9...)
  2. When some Actor follows (or stops following) me, show detailed info about that Actor, not about my Actor.
  3. If an attached video has a preview image, that image will be shown (currently available for Mastodon only). View image / View media context menu item for remotely accessed media files.
    Show a text link to a media file, for which even preview image couldn't be downloaded (instead of no attachment at all as before). #502
  4. Don't download attached Video by default. May be changed in Settings -> Attachments -> Download attached video
  5. Actor's avatar in their profile is shown with maximum resolution.
  6. Fixed: Cannot delete a Note's Title (Name) after it was first saved (even in a draft).
  7. English text/phrases in the app improved with a help of @NCAA. This is the first major English proofreading since the project creation ten years ago.
    Danish translation added.

2019-02-04 v.46.02 (272) Fixed Notification sound

  1. Fixed: Default notification sound was heard even if set to Silent in Settings. This was caused by changed rules after starting to target Android 9.
    Any Android notification (including Vibration and Sound) should show an icon in Notification Area (Android 9 restriction).

2019-01-22 v.45.05 (269) Unread Notifications and improved HTML support

  1. Added the "Unread notifications" timeline, sorted by the time of download ("received ... minutes ago"), so it is easy to see new activities. Moreover, the timeline has "Mark all as read" button to explicitly instruct #AndStatus to not notify about all currently shown activities anymore.
  2. Improved handling of HTML-formatted content. "Escaped" characters are (mostly...) correctly preserved now, especially if created by this User.
    Notes are shared in HTML format.
    Working towards ActivityPub adoption, AndStatus now internally stores notes in HTML format.

2018-10-24 v.43.02 (262) Links to mentioned users and to hashtags are opened in AndStatus

  1. Plain text notes are linkified: mentions are linked to User's "Sent" timelines; hashtags are linked to Search timelines of these hashtags. Existing links of mentions and hashtags in HTML notes are replaced with in-client links also.
    Added "CheckAudience" step to Troubleshooting -> "Check and fix data". Applying this fixing procedure allows to have clicks on mentions opened in AndStatus even for older notes. #479

2018-09-08 v.42.00 (259) Fixed: Blank space, when there is no an attachment

  1. Fixed: Users were confused by blank space below a note's text, when there is no an attachment. It was present, when the note contained non-image attachments.
  2. "Logging and debugging" section renamed to "Troubleshooting". "Check and fix data" action in Settings moved to the "Troubleshooting" section.

2018-07-22 v.41.01 (258) Search by a part of a word. Avatars fixed.

  1. Search works for a note's name (title) and a content. You have to launch "AndStatus Settings -> Storage -> Check and fix data" once to rebuild search index in existing local cache.
  2. Added Search and filtering by a part of a word. Now you can type e.g. contains:other to match "other" and "mother" or you can search for contains:// to filter posts, which contain links in "" domain. #494
  3. Added (the 6th) option to show a User in timeline as "Real name @webFingerId"
  4. Fixed avatars not showing problem (downloading / reloading and purging).

2018-06-18 v.40.02 (256) Note Editor UI improvements

  1. Hide Note Editor and save Draft on BACK device key.
  2. Note Editor can cycle between three layouts: Default, Maximizing the Editor, Showing Timeline with the Editor.
    The layout switch occur on clicking above or below editable text in the Editor (e.g. on clicking text of the "in reply to" note). Divider between the Editor and a Timeline made more noticeable to avoid User's confusion.

2018-06-07 v.40.00 (254) Favoriting activity in GNU Social and Limiting image cache size

  1. GNU Social sends favoriting activity as an ordinary note with "somebody favorited something by otheruser:" favoriting prefix (or as "oneman favourited a status by". AndStatus detects such notes during downloading and automatically converts them into LIKE (favoriting) activities, removing the favoriting prefix. #491
  2. Added two options to limit total size of cached images and maximum size of any single image (to be sent or received):
    • Storage -> "Maximum size of cached images, Mb" with a default value of 1000 Mb.
    • Attachments -> "Maximum size of an attachment, Mb" with a default value of 5 Mb.
  3. Added an option in Settings -> Timeline: "Show my account, which downloaded the activity/note". So far the account shown as "a:accountname" in the note's details (below note's text). #493

2018-05-30 v.39.00 (253) User's profile at the top of their timeline

  1. User's profile is shown at the top of their timelines: "Sent" (Notes by "someuser@somedomain"). For "my accounts" only: in "Favorites", "Friends" and "Followers" timelines also. Lists of user's friends and followers are available via the profile's context menu. #489
  2. Switching between accounts made more like in other Android applications, with avatars of current and two previously selected accounts in the Navigation drawer (like e.g. in GMail app). Clicking on current account's avatar opens their "Sent" timeline with the account's profile information at the top.

2018-05-12 v.38.06 (252) Video attachments and Titles for notes

  1. Video file can be attached to a new note. A thumbnail of the video attachment is shown in a timeline. Video attachment may be viewed the same way as an image attachment.
  2. Added titles (names) for notes of and Mastodon (where they are called "CW"). #150
  3. Added "Public" checkbox to the Note Editor to mark a note explicitly as public or not public. Currently this option is available for only.
  4. Click on an attached image or video opens corresponding viewer/player application.
  5. Added an option for "Collapse duplicates" that allows it to find not only adjacent duplicates ("distance" = 1), but also duplicates, separated by other notes: Timeline -> "Maximum distance between duplicates" which defaults to "5" now. Setting it to 0 disables the "Collapse duplicates" feature. #481
  6. Fixed: All users, mentioned as @username in a text of an incoming note, are identified and used in Notifications. Multiple note recipients are supported for

2018-03-12 v.37.01 (245) Merging actors of Users from different Social Networks. New Interactions timeline

  1. Actors having the same WebFingerId (e.g. "") in different social networks are merged logically. This allows AndStatus to show you in one timeline activities of one actor, downloaded via different instances. This is especially needed for GNU Social and Mastodon.
    Please note that for this feature is provided for years, because all instances use the same actorID (WebFingerId) for the same actor.
  2. Mentions timeline is replaced by Interactions, which shows not only "mentions" and replies, but also likes, reposts and followers. Basically "Interactions" timeline shows all interactions of other users with us (our actors) whereas "Notifications" timeline shows us only those interactions, which we preferred to be notified about in Settings > Notifications, plus unsent notes.
  3. Names of things in the User interface (mostly) changed according to the ActivityPub recommendation. In particular, now we use the word "note" for tweets/toots/notices.
    And the words "Actor" and "User" have different meanings (In ActivityPub, a user is represented by "actors" via the user's accounts on servers. User's accounts on different servers correspond to different actors.) Most of Timelines in AndStatus show Activities now instead of Notes.

2018-02-04 v.36.09 (243) Activities instead of messages, and enhancements of Notifications

  1. This is a major change of AndStatus, which is available for Android 7.0+ devices only and which may require quite a long database upgrade on the first run after the upgrade.
  2. The whole internal data model of the application has changed from working with "messages" to working with "activities", allowing to present social networks in a richer way and to solve many old problems. E.g. after reblogging of a message the message doesn't "jump" to the top of a timeline, as before: now you see a new "Reblog action" for this message at the top the timeline. #172
    The same for Like/Favorite and Follow/"Stop following" actions.
    Usage of this feature to its full potential requires its support in a Social network. As of now only fully supports activities; Mastodon sends activities in its "Notifications" timeline only.
    For legacy server timelines that contain messages only, AndStatus also presents Reblogs as activities, because a "Reblog" _is_ an action even in "Twitter-like" implementations. "Notes" from legacy timelines are interpreted as Update actions of these messages.
    Please note that an Actor on separate line also has a separate context menu, related to him.
  3. Direct messages and timelines renamed to Private with corresponding changes in their content.
  4. "Notifications" timeline added, which shows activities that are configured to be notified about in AndStatus Settings -> Notifications. You can be notified about: Followers, Favorites, Mentions, Reblogs, unset messages in the Outbox and about Private messages.
  5. Notifications, shown in Android Notification area and in the AndStatus Widget, are not forgotten anymore. These notifications are persisted even after device reboot. Notifications are reset when a User opens correspondent timeline e.g. by clicking on the Notification or a Widget. #367 and #398
    In addition to a number of new events (activities/messages), notifications now show an Account (in a case a notification is for one account only) and time, when the last event occurred. #158
  6. For Twitter messages character limit increased up to 280 characters. #475
  7. Dropped support for older Android devices. Minimal supported Android version is 7.0 now. This change allows application developers to start using modern Java 8 language enhancements, including functional programming.
  8. Fixed (at least partially) a problem, related to Doze mode on some devices, when automatic background syncing doesn't occur for a long time. Despite Android specifications, I noticed that e.g. my new Lenovo tablet doesn't wake up for a "maintenance window" and Android system initiated background syncing could never occur. So additional timer introduced to check for missed sync events and initiate syncing if necessary. #295
  9. Fixed optional Reply, Reblog and Like action buttons, located under messages. #472
  10. Fixed conversation loading for some servers. Now messages are shown in a Conversation View even in a case a (buggy) server doesn't show relations of these messages to each other. I.e. even if a message is not a reply to any other message in the thread.

2017-08-13 v.35.06 (232) Autocompletion of usernames/webfingerIds during message composition. Users search

  1. During a message composition, after "@" and the first two or more letters of a Username or a Real Name, AndStatus shows a popup dialog with a list of suitable users for selection. No Internet search is used here - locally cached users only. #151
  2. New Search layout with several options replaced two old "Search" and "Global search" menu items. You can search for Messages (as before) or for Users (new feature!),
    in the currently selected Social network or in all Social networks ("combined" search);
    in the local cache or in Internet also ("Search in Internet" option; only Mastodon and Twitter provide a search for Users in Internet).
  3. Fixed avatars occasionally started to change (cache overload) #458
  4. Consistent separation between 'Sync with Internet' and 'Reload from cache'. Both menu items are places on an Action Bar and present in almost all lists. Android material icons "Sync" and "Refresh" are used, which are familiar to users.

2017-07-12 v.34.05 (225) Showing Twitter tweets longer than 140 characters

  1. Fixed Twitter tweets longer than 140 characters were shown truncated. #462
  2. Default order of timelines improved with Home, Public, Search and Everything timelines now at the top. "Everything" timeline is now created for all Social networks to allow easily see all locally cached messages of a Social Network.
    Sort timelines by "Displ" column in the "Manage timelines" list (by clicking on the column header) to see, how they will be sorted in the "Select a Timeline" dialog. Clicking "Set as Default Timeline" timeline's context menu item permanently moves the timeline above other timelines. Previous default timeline becomes the second in the "Select a Timeline" list.
    New action "Reset timelines order" added to the "Manage timelines" list helping existing users to reorder timelines.
  3. Started capturing Original message URL for GNU Social. So now for a message, received via your account's GNU Social instance, "Open in Browser" opens it at a web site, where the message was created, and not necessarily at this GNU Social instance.
    Unfortunately, not all GNU Social instances provide the "external_url" field to the client application...
  4. Timeline header button added: "Synced .... Sync messages since..." to make more transparent, which timeline and when was sychronized and which timeline cannot be synchronized at all (e.g. "Drafts").
  5. Fixed: [Mastodon] Mentions were not loaded from "Notifications" timeline (to "Mentions" of AndStatus).
  6. Fixed keeping list position when doing "Pull to refresh" in a Timeline.
  7. Fixed Reblogged by other user was counted as our reblog in a context menu (same for favorited...)
  8. Added "Forget sync events and dates" context menu item to the "Manage Timelines" list in order to be able to re-sync any Timeline with Internet. E.g. when you feel that some messages from a server timeline are missed in AndStatus.
  9. In order to improve application responsiveness, the application's initialization moved to background. Described the solution in StackOverflow.

2017-06-02 v.33.11 (219) Mastodon support

  1. Added Mastodon support. Six most popular Mastodon instances are preconfigured. #419
  2. "Favorites" timeline is now syncable for all types of social networks. It's set to be synced automatically by default for new installations. If you upgraded existing installation, you will need to go to the "Manage Timelines" menu item in the Timeline action bar and set "Sync" flag for "Favorites" timelines of all accounts. See also #460
  3. Fixed syncing and showing of "Friends" and "Followers" timelines.
  4. Accuracy of the "Relative time" (... ago) increased. Now you will see "... minutes ago" up to 2 hours, then  "... hours ago" up to 2 days, then "... days ago" up to three months and then - any number of "months ago". So no more "more than a year ago" for all old messages.
  5. The first fix for: Occasionally message context menu doesn't work. #458

2017-03-08 v.32.02 (207) Sync older messages

  1. AndStatus now can download older messages of a Timeline. When a User have scrolled down to the oldest message of a timeline, the "Sync older messages" button is shown, which allows to request next page of older messages from a server. This may seem like a must have feature, but due to ability to store previously downloaded messages as long as a User wishes, it was not frequently requested. In fact, ability to view older messages may be needed mostly during the first day-two of AndStatus application usage, when there is not much data stored yet. #354
  2. In order to simplify creation of new accounts, a long list of available "Social Networks" is divided into the three groups: Twitter, and GNU Social. Now, when a User starts addition of a new account, he/she is prompted to select a "Type of Social Network" first. After this selection only social Networks of the selected type are shown. Actually, only one Social Network of Twitter and of types are preconfigured after installation, so there is no need to select the only instance. But there are 7 preconfigured instances of GNU Social servers. Additional "Social networks" may be added by a User. #212
  3. Another round to simplify AndStatus adoption by new Users.
    • A form to add new account cleaned from irrelevant data. Added the "Home timeline" button showing a way to proceed after successful account creation.
    • Added "Manage AndStatus accounts in Android Settings" item to Settings -> Accounts section.
    • When you are creating new account and stay in a Web view, you can switch to another application (e.g. to lookup password) and back to continue account creation.
  4. Fixed a case when Twitter message appeared truncated. #212
  5. Link to Questions & Answers added to the AndStatus User Guide. #443
  6. For unsent message or a draft context menu has "Discard" menu item, which allows to delete this message. #436
  7. "Direct Message" context menu item added to a User List. This means that now you can send a Direct Message to any user, mentioned in a Message, via a "Users of message" list. You can also open a list of a User's Friends and send a Direct Message to any User from that list (some systems allow to send Direct messages only to users, who follow us). #438

2017-02-05 v.31.04 (204) Conversation view and Search enhancements

  1. Conversation view opens much faster now. This is because messages, which belong to one conversation, are calculated beforehand in a background. #361
  2. For "GNU Social" additional conversation performance improvement implemented: special "getConversation API" is used to download the whole conversation from a server in one request instead of downloading messages mostly one-by-one, as for other social networks. #328
  3. Search for all words and for exact phrases implemented.
    If you type several words in a search box, AndStatus now searches for the messages, which contain all typed words in any order. In order to search for an exact phrase, enclose it in double quotes.
    In a case of a Global search, your query string is sent to a Social network server exactly as you typed it. It turns out that GNU Social and Twitter interprets the query just like described above, which means that Global search for all words and phrases (without punctuation) works also. #402
  4. Search in HTML-formatted text improvement: now !groups #hashtags and @mentions are correctly found in HTML-formatted text, where e.g. "#" and a hashtag name are separated by (invisible) HTML markup.
  5. One "Reply to all” action is replaced with two: ”Reply to conversation participants" (what we actually had before as "Reply to all") and "Reply to mentioned users”. "Reply to mentioned users”, naturally, includes a User, to whom you are replying, and all users, mentioned in the body of the replied message. #432
  6. Implemented: Ignore favourites when using "Reply to conversation participants": simple match for "favorited something by" text in the message body. #368
  7. Default setting of the "Tap on a Timeline Title behaviour" option changed from "Switch to Default Timeline" to "Select a Timeline". This doesn't affect existing users, but is more intuitive for novices.
  8. "Check and fix data" action added to the AndStatus Settings -> "Storage" section. This action should be used during problem troubleshooting to fix internal data problems, which could cause AndStatus malfunction.
  9. Default scrolling position in a timeline changed: now it's at the Top of the list, not near its bottom, as before.

2016-10-13 v.30.02 (195) More UX enhancements

  1. Implemented "Private conversation with selected recipient". Now clicking "Open conversation" on a Direct message (for GNU Social and Twitter) opens a list of messages between the two recipients. supports private conversations natively, so for "Reply" to a Direct message is now enabled, which allows to have different "conversations" with the same recipient (as for public conversations). #181
  2. "Act as..." added to User List views, like for a Timeline view.
  3. Additional (font) sizes added. In addition to the three existing "Size" values: Large, Standard and Small, two more added to have intermediate values: Larger and Smaller. #411
  4. Fixed links to Direct messages in ”Open on Internet” and "Share" for GNU Social and Twitter. #423
  5. Added an option "Show threads of a conversation" in addition to the existing "Old messages first in a Conversation view". Both options are available in two places: in Settings->Timeline and the new Navigation drawer of the Conversation view. #412
  6. Accessibility. Implemented "Make links clickable for talkback users".
    In a case "the touch exploration in the system is enabled" AndStatus adds new item to the top of the message's context menu: "N message links", where "N" is the actual number of clickable links. Clicking on this item opens the submenu with an item for each link. #392
  7. Presentation of messages in the Timeline and in the Conversation view unified. Most visible difference: avatars positioning, buttons below messages, "Reply to me" marker on the left side of a message.

2016-10-02 v.30.00 (193) Back button navigates through the history and other UX enhancements

  1. "Back" system button now acts as most of Android users expect: navigation, in reverse chronological order, through the history of screens the user has recently worked with. See Navigation patterns Return to the Default timeline clears the whole history stack, so when a User presses "Back" button on the Default timeline, he/she leaves AndStatus (and returns usually to the Home screen of the Device). #253
  2. Share a message with its attachment.
    "Share" message context menu item shares not only textual part of the message, as before, but the attached image also. This way a message with an attachment can be shared from one Social Network to another within AndStatus, or to some note taking application, e.g. to Omni Notes, where it will be stored with the attachment. Some file managers, e.g. Total Commander, allow to save shared attachment to a file. #387
  3. Added "Overflow" button to the row of buttons below each message: to open message context menu. This button may help new users to notice existence of the context menu. It also may be used in a case you set "Long click to open context menu" option in Settings -> Gestures. #332.
    Clickable areas of these buttons made larger and wider to ease tapping the buttons. #410.
  4. Styles of the Navigation drawer changed to make drawer items easier visible.

2016-09-25 v.29.02 (192) support enhancements

  1. Implementation of's "share" activity made more familiar for accustomed Pump'io users:
    • "Reblog" action for account is renamed to "Share via". (Simply "Share" already has another meaning in AndStatus and in Android in general for millions of users...). This is similar to Twitter, for which the same action is renamed in a User Interface to "Retweet".
    • No recipients are added to the activity.
  2. Fixed #271: This is a server, that decides in almost all cases, if a message is public or not. Now "Public" is added to "to" field for "post" activity only in a case no other recipients are found and if the message is not a reply.
  3. Fixed #275: Message, to which a subscribed message is a reply, is explicitly marked as not subscribed in order for the latter not to be shown in the Home timeline.
  4. Fixed #416 "Everything" Timeline shows all social networks even if not Combined.
  5. Implemented #221 Edit message []
    Messages with and without attachments can be edited. A User can change both text and an attached image. What is not supported (and will fail on an attempt to send an update): adding an attachment to a message that didn't have one. Or removing an attachment. This is because messages with and without attachments are two different types of objects in
    "Edit" context menu item appears, when a Sender is my account and it is successfully verified (i.e. the account can actually post the update).
  6. Added "Get Message Information" context menu item #418.
    We already have "Get User Information" for a User, which allows to update the User's information, including information on Friends and Followers . Similarly, the "Get Message Information" action allows to update information on replies, likes and reblogs / retweets / shares. In particular, for this feature allows, in addition, retrieve Replies to this message in order to see them in a Conversation view, see #276.
  7. Implemented #375 [] Create proper HTML links.
    Actual text transformation is done in literary 3 lines of code using Android system libraries. This gives an advantage of using better algorithm at each subsequent version of Android libraries. Emails are not HTMLified.
  8. Size of text in Account and Timeline selectors enlarged. Now it's the same as a body text of messages (and hence it can be changed in Settings).

2016-08-31 v.28.01 (188) Collapse duplicated posts. Accounts reodering. Continuous automatic application quality checking

  1. Implemented ”Collapse duplicates” feature, which is switchable in the Navigation Drawer of a Timeline. This allows to see several crossposted messages as one entry in a Timeline.
    When duplicated posts are collapsed (by default), visible "main" post shows number of hidden duplicated posts as e.g. ”(+3)".
    When ”Collapse duplicates” checkbox is checked, a User can "Show/Hide duplicates" of any individual message via its context menu. This may be needed e.g. to follow a discussion in a Social Network whose (duplicated) message was hidden ("collapsed"). #337
  2. Accounts reodering implemented. Reorder accounts using drag-and-drop in a new "Manage Accounts" view. The topmost account becomes the "Default account".
    This sorting order of accounts is used everywhere in the application, including showing in the "Select account" dialog and making a decision, what message to show among several collapsed duplicates...
  3. In order to ease navigation in a Timeline, "Top", "1", "2", "3" and positions of three first shown messages are displayed in the top right corner of a message. This frees a User from unnecessary attempts to scroll a list.
    "1" means that this message is the topmost currently shown, but there may be more messages in the local cache (i.e. already downloaded to your Device).
    "Top" shown instead of "1" means that there are no newer messages downloaded, and an attempt to "pull to refresh" will result in "sync with Internet".
  4. If not set explicitly in the "Manage Timelines" view, Home Timeline of the Default Account is now the Default Timeline - it opens on the Application launch. This is natural for new users and simplifies initial configuration.
  5. Continuous quality checking of AndStatus started, with actual and historical results and diagrams publicly available. AndStatus is being built automatically by Travis CI and its quality is being analysed by SonarQube. Both services are free for Open Source projects. #408

2016-08-13 v.27.06 (186) Automatic syncing of individual timelines. New custom search timelines

  1. Individual timelines can now be managed separately in the "Manage Timelines" table (in a menu of a list of messages and also in Settings->Timeline). For each timeline you can define: if it's shown in a list of available timelines and if it's synced automatically.
    For each timeline sync statistics is shown:
    * Number of syncs and accumulated numbers of all downloaded and of new messages.
    * Time of last successful and of last failed syncs.
    * The last error encountered during syncing.
    The "Manage Timelines" table scrolls vertically and horizontally and its content can be sorted by different columns: just click a column header. #384
  2. Now you can create custom syncable timelines, e.g. for scheduled searches. Thus you can effectively "subscribe" to groups/tags, creating automatically synced Search timelines e.g. for "#andstatus" or for "!gnusocial". #248
  3. List of timelines for selection is now fully customizable. You can define, which timelines are shown always, which are shown "in a context" only (i.e. only when an account of this timeline selected), and which timelines are never shown in this list.
    In any case, any timeline may be opened from the "Manage timelines" list.
  4. Default timeline, which is shown on Application start, is selected in the "Manage Timelines" list.
  5. Additions to Account settings done to simplify management of Account syncing:
    * "Synced automatically" checkbox.
    * "Last synced" time.
    * An option to set Sync frequency of any individual account to a custom value or to a common default value set for all accounts in Settings->Syncing->Default Sync frequency. #77
  6. Added "Sync over WiFi only" option to Settings->Syncing. Setting this option to "on" allows any syncing / downloading over WiFi only. #259
  7. Fixed incompatibility with Android N (caused by the bug in Android N).

2016-05-15 v.26.07 (179) Familiar look for New Users

  1. Light Theme is the default one in AndStatus now. You can switch to the Dark Theme in Settings -> Appearance.
  2. Added "Rounded avatars" option to "Appearance" section of Settings. Avatars are rounded by default now. #357
  3. Added Timeline option: "Show Reply, Favorite and Repost buttons below each message". This option is turned on by default in order for new users to find these actions quicker. Reblog and Favorite icons-buttons are shown tinted if our account reblogged / favorited this message. #332
  4. Rebloggers and a message source (client application) are shown directly in a Timeline.
    We decided to hide "ostatus" source because in GNU Social this only means that the message came from another instance. The real source application is swallowed, unfortunately. #168
  5. Color of the divider (separator) between messages made less contrast for both light and dark themes. #280
  6. Navigation Bar color changed to the dark variant of Action Bar colors (e.g. to black for "Black" Action Bar). #302
  7. Added another Action bar color: Black - for people, who like really dark theme. #202
  8. Added "Tap on a Timeline Title behaviour" option, which allows to select most convenient action between: "Switch to Default Timeline" (default), "Go to the Top" and "Select a Timeline". Actually, "Switch to Default Timeline" works the same way as "Select a Timeline" if we're already on the Default Timeline. #343
  9. Added option "Don't synchronize old messages, if previous sync was more than ... hours ago".
    This means that only on application start AndStatus will request from a server "all latest messages" (as it always does for a Public timeline in GNU Social by the way...). In a case you tap "Sync with Internet" again, several minutes later, AndStatus will not try to download "all latest messages" again - it will request only messages, which were sent after the last downloaded message, i.e. just like it does with "Don't synchronize old messages..." option turned off.
    A User sets a value for this option in hours, i.e. "1" or "100" ... Empty value or "0" mean that the option is turned off (default behaviour). #354
  10. Added support of Android 6 permissions. #365
  11. Message Editor improvements:
    • Fixed: Editor window covered Action Bar if replying to a long message. #362
    • Text box with a text of the new message is scrollable vertically now.
    • Fullscreen mode toggle by tapping on not editable parts of the Editor.
  12. Fixed "Locally downloaded messages and images are lost after turning Power off", which we noticed in Android 6. #382

2016-04-14 v.25.04 (171) Quick navigation to the Default Timeline and Clickable links

  1. Added "Switch to Default Timeline" item to the Navigation Drawer to ease return to the Default Timeline, Account and Combined settings.
  2. Clicking the Action Bar title in a Timeline view switches to Default Timeline also.
  3. Icon to open the Navigation Drawer (on the Action bar) is changing to "AndStatus icon" when exactly at Default Timeline (i.e. when also default account is selected and Combined is set to its default value). Tapping on the icon opens/closes the Drawer as usual. "Timeline is Combined by default" setting added to Timeline group. #356
  4. Links in a Timeline are clickable now. You don't need to "Open Conversation" anymore to click any of the links in a message body. In order to open Context Menu of a message, tap on an Avatar or on any text without a link.
    Please note that sometimes two taps on a message text are needed to open a Context Menu. We understand this a sort of trade-off, which we had to accept by making links clickable. Anyway, tap on an Avatar or on a User name works from the first tap.
  5. Added "Action bar text and icon color" option to the "Appearance" section of AndStatus settings. It has two values: "White" (default) and "Black". This allows to have white text of Action Bar title not only for Dark theme, but for Light theme also. #289
  6. Added the third, "Accent" color to the definition of each "Action bar background color".
  7. Navigation bar color is set to the same color as the Action Bar Background Color. #302
  8. Action Bar icons updated from Material Icons repository.
  9. Attachments showing and Image cache improvements.

2016-03-28 v.24.03 (166) Followers and Friends - two Timelines and two User Lists

  1. "Following" timeline renamed to "Friends". Added "Followers" timeline. These timelines are not synced automatically to avoid high network traffic: please tap "Sync with Internet" action. #222
  2. Added "Friends of a User" and "Followers of a User" User Lists as context menu items of the "Users of message" list (and of any User List). These lists are synced manually and simultaneously with timelines of the same names: by tapping "Sync with Internet" action to populate or update the list for a selected User. #222
  3. Added "Long press to open Context Menu" setting (defaulting to OFF) to the new "Gestures" section of AndStatus settings. So, from now on, by default context menus are opened by Tap ("Single click") on an item. Tapping on a User's avatar is the most reliable gesture. Tapping a body of a message in a Timeline does the same, but in a Conversation view links in a message body become clickable, so tap may launch an Internet Browser or open a Context menu, depending on exact place, where a User clicked message body.
    On gestures and their terminology see Gestures.
  4. Default value of "ENTER key sends message" setting changed to "false". This means that new users now can create multiline posts out of the box - without changes in Settings.

2016-03-13 v.23.03 (162) Additional User info shown in a 'Users of message' view

  1. Added five new User's attributes to User Lists:
    Location (text) and four counters: numbers of posts, following (friends), followers and favorited posts. #320
  2. In the message editor one space is appended to non-empty message to save one click on Space key for a User.
  3. Fixed #344 Opening AndStatus from Notification Gives "()" Account.
  4. Avoid auto refreshing of a timeline too often.
  5. Timeline position keeping improved. Now app stores exact scroll position inside a message, not a message number only as before. As a result, timeline scrolling became smoother. #342
  6. Implemented "Check users" procedure, which fixes User duplication in a local database. This procedure starts automatically after completion of "Backup application data to SD card", so a User always has a chance to restore previous data in a case of a problem. #348

2016-02-26 v.22.18 (158) Timeline loading and navigation improvements

  1. Maximum number of messages, shown in a Timeline at a time, is restricted to several hundreds. This change should prevent performance degradation for users who receive thousands of new messages daily.
    Now AndStatus loads not more than 100 messages (a "page") at a time, and it keeps in its memory not more than 5 pages at a time. When a User scrolls in any direction and new pages are loaded, farther pages are discarded. #313
  2. Added "Go to the top" button to the Timeline Navigation drawer. It allows to see the most recent messages immediately without long scrolling. #255
  3. Added "Refresh" button to the Timeline Navigation drawer. It reloads currently visible page, including avatars and attachments, from a local database.
    Existing "Reload" button (in an Action Bar) renamed to "Sync with Internet" in order to clearly distinguish Refresh, which doesn't use Internet connection, from Syncing. #310
  4. Added "Refresh timeline automatically" option to Settings->Timeline. Turning this setting off may give a noticeable performance increase for users, who have many new messages in their timelines and frequent updates. This setting allows to have "Syncing while using AndStatus" enabled and don't wait too often for a timeline refresh. #310
  5. Added "Default timeline" option to Settings->Timeline. This timeline is shown, when a Launcher opens AndStatus; or when a User clicks on AndStatus widget, and there are no new messages. #236
  6. Existing "Hide messages based on keywords" option extended and now it's "Hide messages based on keywords or exact phrases". Messages, which contain defined keywords or exact phrases, are hidden from all timelines. Notifications for hidden messages are not shown. #321
  7. In order to make timeline scrolling smoother all avatars and attachments are loaded in a background now. Special in-memory cache introduced to further improve responsiveness. Statistics of caches and async loaders is shown in "Commands in a queue". #303

2015-12-04 v.21.0 (139) Users of message

  1. With this release AndStatus opens a new view for exploration of social networks: a "User List".
    For years, a "Timeline", holding list of messages (posts, tweets...), was the only representation of Social networks in AndStatus. Most of information about members of these networks was hidden. Now we do have a list, where Users and information about them is the main content.
    As with Timelines, there will be different kinds of "User Lists". "Users of message" is the first: it can be opened via a message's context menu, and it shows a list, containing not only an Author, a User whom the message was addressed to, and rebloggers. It also lists all users mentioned in a body of the message.
    But the main point here is that you can act on these users via new context menu: see their profiles in the Internet, visit their Homepages, follow and stop following them. More actions will be added based on your feedback. Read more and discuss at #309.

2015-11-08 v.20.5 (138) Timeline filters

  1. Added "Hide replies not to me or my friends from Home timeline" option to the new "Filters" settings group.
    New behavior on message load: If a message is not a Reply to another message, AndStatus checks if the message's body starts with @username and marks it as a Reply to a User with this username. So such "Replies to a User" are also filtered by this option. #160
  2. Added "Hide messages based on keywords" option. Messages, which contain defined keywords, are hidden from all timelines. #279
  3. Norwegian and Galician translations added.
  4. A "star" icon was removed from a timeline for not favorited messages. This will avoid confusion of users, who tried to favorite a message by clicking on the star. Instead, this should be done via a message context menu (tap and hold a message to open its context menu). #308

2015-10-17 v.19.5 (133) Drafts, unsent messages and Message Editor enhancements

  1. Drafts may be saved and edited later, like in any emailing application. One "Clear and hide" action button is replaced with two: "Save draft" and "Discard".
  2. Drafts and Unsent messages are shown with their attachments in a Home, User timelines, and also in a tree of a Conversation view. Plus they have their own timelines: Drafts and Outbox (again, just like in an email application). Unsent messages may be "Resent" via a Message Context menu. #291
  3. Attached images are immediately saved by AndStatus in its internal storage to avoid expiration of links and errors during sending of these attachments and especially, during resending after failed attempts...
  4. Layout of the Message Editor changed. It's expanded to show a text of a message we are replying to. Thumbnail of an attached image, its size in pixels and a file size in kilobytes are shown. "Send" button moved to an Action Bar. #290, #293

2015-08-15 v.18.1 (127) Bug fixes and Settings improvements

  1. Fixed crash while "Swiping to refresh" a Timeline, which occurred for some users. We received crash reports, which pointed to the place, where the error occurs. But unfortunately we still don't know when exactly this crash happens and how it could be reproduced...
  2. Settings windows have consistent Action bar now. Settings are restarted after theme and color changes now (not only after Language changes, as before). #286
  3. Fixed "Combined" cannot be turned off for a User timeline. #287

2015-08-05 v.18.0 (126) Material design and new color options

  1. Added "Action bar color" option, having 6 colors from Material design color palettes. These palettes may be applied to both Dark and Light color themes. #202
    Colors of "Device Default" theme are deliberately not customizable in order to preserve your device's theme as much as possible.
  2. Added "Background color for the Dark theme" option, having 7 dark colors, including Black color from a List of HTML colors. #228
  3. Updated layout of individual messages and dividers between them in a Timeline. #280
  4. Links color for the Light theme made darker in order to be easier readable. #264
  5. Source code of AndStatus project converted to Android Studio format, which allows us to use the best tools for the application development.

2015-04-23 v.17.1 (125) Sending attachments fix for legacy servers

  1. Fixed:,, and some other servers didn't allow sending attachments via AndStatus due to HTTP protocol incompatibility. "Use legacy HTTP protocol" option added to a Social network editor to allow posting images to such servers. Default "Auto" value may not always work, so setting "Use legacy HTTP protocol" to "Yes" is recommended for these servers. #249
  2. References to a "Microblogging system" changed to a "Social network". #239
  3. Portuguese translation added, thanks to Sérgio Marques. Thanks to all translators for updates!
    User Guide in different languages is starting to appear. is working on fixing related translation service bugs, which we reported to them.
  4. Settings restructured. Separate sections for a Timeline and Attachments created. #235
  5. ACRA crash reporting added to AndStatus. It automates collecting of all required information and allows a User to send the report via email to AndStatus team. Please help to fix AndStatus by sendining your crash reports. #250

2015-03-21 v.16.0 (123) Posting enhancements and custom Application language. New User guide format.

  1. "Reply to All" menu item added, allowing to include all conversation participants into a reply. Please note that for simplicity also those participants are included, who joined the conversation later, or who took part in other branches of the conversation. #185
  2. "Mention as @webFingerId" attribute added to Social network Editor. When it's turned on, users will be mentioned as e.g. "", when off - as "@andstatus". #238
  3. "Copy text to clipboard" and "Copy @author to clipboard" message context menu items added. These items appear in a Context menu while Message editor is visible. #197
  4. "Application language" setting added, allowing to have Language of AndStatus User Interface other than Device Language. #201
  5. User Guide is moved to a separate file, which may be translated and updated one paragraph at a time. This file has FB2 ebook format (only with .xml extension), which simplifies its reading outside of an application. #229

2015-02-14 v.15.0 (122) Discovery of open GNU Social instances

  1. Implemented discovery of open GNU Social instances (servers) using the new "get_open_instances" API. From now on there is no need to have all open instances preconfigured in AndStatus: a User may select new "Microblogging system" from a live list, downloaded via an online service. We hope that this feature will stimulate GNU social instance owners to register in this discovery service. #84
  2. "SSL Mode" setting moved to Microblogging system, allowing to have specific SSL mode per Microblogging system.
  3. Added two options to Microblogging system: "Include in Global Search while in Combined Timeline" and "Include in Reload while in Combined Public timeline".
  4. Added "Swipe to Refresh" feature for a Timeline view. The swipe duplicates "Reload" menu item.
  5. Syncing indicator on a Timeline moved to the bottom and it doesn't cause timeline tremors anymore.
  6. Fixed ANR (application freeze/or crash) when requesting download of Avatars and Attachments during a Timeline drawing.
  7. Added Japanese (naofum) and Arabic (dragnucs) translations. Thank you for contributions!

2015-02-03 v.14.4 (121) Stalled connections are killed

  1. Fixed: Sometimes a command/connection doesn't end after a predefined timeout (10 minutes without a progress). In this case a utility "Heartbeat" process kills the command execution.
    This fix should help Users, who encountered syncing stop, and also people complaining about too high power consumption (due to a too long background work...)
  2. Implemented: On a first launch the system tries to store data on SD #216
  3. Fixed: Unable to send a message with an asterisk (*) on Twitter #219
  4. Added another message context menu item: "Open Conversation", which effectively duplicates a single click on a message, but looks like may help newbies to find, where Conversation view is. #209
  5. Added "Remove account" action to the Account settings view as an alternative way to delete AndStatus accounts. #223
  6. UX improvement: Added "Commands in the Queue" item to Action bars of a Timeline and a Conversation views.

2015-01-26 v.14.3 (120) Extra large pictures don't crash any more

  1. Fixed: Crash during downloading large pictures #179
  2. UX improvement: When after upgrade Change log is shown, the button below it is "Skip" now, not "Get started" as during the first launch #218

2015-01-23 v.14.2 (119) Bug fixes and connection to Quitter.Zone

  1. Reported crashes fixed.
  2. Fixed: Microblogging system editor layout doesn't fit in a small screen.
  3. Some devices cannot connect to Quitter.Zone in a default (secure) mode. For them another debugging option added: "Insecure SSL".
    Now there are three values of the "SSL mode and security":
    1. Secure SSL (default)
    2. Insecure SSL
    3. Misconfigured SSL

2015-01-18 v.14.1 (118) Fixed Private attachments and typed text persistence

  1. Fixed: [] Attachment was not sent with a Direct message. Please note that only supports attaching images to Direct messages. This is a restriction of the Twitter API, not of AndStatus. #203
  2. Fixed: Sometimes typed text is lost when switching from portrait to landscape orientation. #194
  3. Fixed: [] Private attachments are not downloaded. #204
  4. "Log network level messages" option added allowing deeper debugging. If "Log everything to file" is also enabled, separate .json files are created for each request and response.

2014-12-24 v.14.0 (117) "Everything" timeline and Fullscreen image view

  1. "Everything" timeline added: all cached messages are shown in one timeline. #114
  2. Added "View Image" context menu item, allowing to view attachments in Your selected image Viewer. #191
  3. Multiline titles for checkbox and list settings. Now a User can see full titles of all settings even in a portrait mode. #187
  4. New AndStatus icons created. Thanks to @moshpirit for the contribution. #182
  5. A screen to add new account (or to manage existing account) redesigned for a Novice. #164
  6. Fixed #190 [] Don't make a Reply ("Comment") public. Now a Reply fully relies on server to determine correct recipients of the Reply.
  7. "True black background" option added. #195
  8. References to StatusNet changed to "GNU social".
  9. Added debugging option "Log everything to file".
  10. Deleting commands from Queue implemented. Text of the posts shared from "Commands in the Queue" is not truncated now. Commands now are sorted by date-time of creation chronologically (newest first). #162

2014-11-30 v.13.3 (116) Navigation drawer added

  1. Navigation drawer introduced to a Timeline view. Timeline type, "combined" and Account selections moved to it.
  2. Fixed error posting with attachments for messages, which have non-latin characters. Issue #176.
  3. Fixed security exception on Android 4.4 while sending attached image. In a case of such exception it is logged and may be seen in the "Commands in the Queue" list. Issue #127. For debugging purposes "Use KitKat media chooser" option added (on by default).

2014-11-15 v.13.2 (115) Debugging option allowing misconfigured SSL

  1. Added an option to "Allow misconfigured SSL" connections (inside "Logging and Debugging") to support those users, who cannot afford changing their providers or install a proper certificate to their site but still need SSL connection. Setting this option should be considered only as as a temporary measure. TLS and SNI protocols are not supported while this option is turned on. See this discussion.
  2. Error logging expanded in "Settings-Logging and debugging-Commands in the queue" view. Context menu added to Share and Resend command from the Queue.
  3. Timeline loading time improved.

2014-10-26 v.13.1 (114) Migration to Android v.4.1 and the latest secure communication protocols

  1. Dropped compatibility with Android before v.4.1. This made application look modern and familiar to Android users.
  2.,, and added to the list of the preconfigured "Microblogging systems". See Issue #121.
  3. Added support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 secure protocols in order to support recently strengthened security at some servers. See Issue #136.

2014-10-10 v.12.1 (112) Don't sync 'Following' timeline automatically

  1. The "Following" timeline excluded from the list of automatically synced timelines as this is actually a waste of time and traffic: the list of users "I'm following" changes far less often than new posts appear. See Issue #128.
    Currently these timelines are synced automatically: Home, Mentions and Direct.
  2. "Commands in the Queue" screen added (inside "Logging and debugging" settings group) in order to help diagnoze syncing problems. This screens is opened, when you tap Notification on the messages in the Queue.
  3. Localizable strings reorganized and simplified in order to allow application translation using simple Web tools. AndStatus Crowdsourcing and collaborative localization project at Crowdin invites volunteer translators!
  4. Options menu added to the Conversation view. Now User can attach images to replies in this view also.
  5. Fixed: Couldn't post to without an image.

2014-09-27 v.12.0 (111) Don't merge Users with the same nicknames [StatusNet]

  1. Fixed undesirable merge of Users with the same nicknames [StatusNet]. This is actual for the cases,
    1) When messages by users with the same nickname exist in one instance (e.g. when the users' profiles are at different servers).
    2) When a User changes their nickname.
    This feature is implemented by comparing not Nicknames, as before, but WebFinger IDs of users. See Issue #125.
  2. Added "How to show a User in a Timeline" option, allowing to choose, how you would like to see references to users in a Timeline. Available options are: username, @username, WebFingerID, Real Name and Real Name @username
  3. Added "Display Microblogging system in a Timeline" option, suitable in a case you have in your timeline the same messages, received from different Microblogging systems.
  4. Fixed AndStatus launcher icon size based on info from Android Launcher Icon Size

2014-09-19 v.11.2 (110) Share images via AndStatus and attach images to posts

  1. Now you may share an image via AndStatus, add text and post it. You may also start writing a post as usual and attach an image later (this way you can attach an image to Reply). See Issue #93.
  2. AndStatus icon redrawn.

2014-09-09 v.11.1 (108) Viewing attached images

  1. Added an option to view attached images for all supported systems. Turn this option off in Menu->Settings->Appearance->"Display attached images". See Issue #93.
    An accompanying option added: Menu->Settings->Syncing->"Download attachments over Wi-Fi only" ("on" by default).
  2. Added an option to set Default Account (account, which timeline is opened on application launch).
  3. Added support for instances of Microblogging systems, which are located in a folder of the host (i.e. not in the root of the host). To configure such a system in AndStatus type full address (i.e. URL, including http...) of the system into the "Host" field of the Microblogging system's editor. See Issue #116 with an example of connecting to SDF GNU Social site.
  4. Global search is available from any timeline. Switch to Public timeline is automatic.
  5. Fixed: User timeline worked correctly in Combined mode only.
  6. Fixed: Cannot load next timeline page if previous position was stored when too few rows existed.

2014-08-23 v.10.1 (106) Mark replies to myself in Timeline. Twitter for old devices back again

  1. Added "Mark replies to myself in Timeline" option allowing to easily see posts, which are most relevant for a User. See Issue #108.
  2. Fixed incompatibility with changed Twitter site behavior. Addition of new Twitter accounts is allowed for all supported devices! See Issue #92
  3. In posts to "new lines" (inserted e.g. by pressing ENTER key) are automatically translated to HTML line breaks, so resulted post has line breaks, as expected.
  4. Pressing ENTER key while editing post inserts newline at the current position, not at the end as before.
  5. HTML-formatted messages are shared both as HTML and as a plain text (according to Android docs).

2014-08-17 v.10.0 (105) Share message to another account and Open it on Internet

  1. "Share" message action improved to allow message sharing from one account to another, including sharing between different Microblogging systems. When you "Share" a message from AndStatus to AndStatus (and the same when sharing to AndStatus from any other application...), Account selector opens. Shared "Subject" and "Text" are not blindly concatenated, as before: you will not have to delete duplicated text. See Issue #112.
  2. "Open on Internet" message context menu item added. See Issue #97.
  3. Added "ENTER key sends message" option ("on" by default to preserve existing behaviour). Setting it to "off" allows inserting newline in the message. In order to see these new lines in the messages, "Allow HTML content" option should be set for this Microblogging System.
  4. Added "Old messages first in Conversation view" option allowing to reverse the order of messages in the Conversation view. See Issue #67.
  5. Added "Sync after message was sent" option. See Issue #65.
  6. "Blog" term changed to "Post" in all Microblogging systems except Twitter. See Issue #15.
  7. Action icons updated with unified Android icons; German translation updated, thanks to @vinzv.
    Default avatars also updated, different for Dark and Light themes.
  8. Spanish translation updated, thanks to @moshpirit.

2014-07-06 v.9.1 (104) Fixed: Commands lost when created offline

  1. Fixed: If you tried to send update while offline, the update was lost. Now it is put into retry queue.
  2. Conversation view is updated after replying, favoriting etc.

2014-06-28 v.9.0 (103) Backup/Restore and Syncing indicator

  1. Application data backup and restore implemented. This feature may be used in two ways:
    • Manual backup at any time to SD card (Settings->Storage->Backup application data) and manual restore after reinstall: from the first screen and from Settings->Storage->Restore application data.
    • Automatic backup and restore by Android system. This may work for some devices, but currently is useless for the most users due to Android system internal limitations (see this discussion).
    Preferences, messages and accounts with their credentials are backed up. Avatars are not. See Issue #86.
  2. "Sync while using application" option added (turned on by default, as it was earlier). When this option is turned off (in Settings->Syncing), there is no background sync while browsing timeline and conversations in order to preserve smoothness of scrolling. Manually initiated updates occur in background though.
  3. AndStatus syncing indicator is added to the Timeline screen. To turn this feature off, go to Settings->Syncing->Syncing indicator on timeline. See Issue #63.
  4. Added an option to change Connection timeout, which defaults to 30 seconds. (go to Settings->Syncing->Connection timeout) Increasing this value may improve connections with slow servers. See Issue #83.
  5. Overflow button added to Action bars of Activities, which have Options menues.
  6. BOOT_COMPLETED permission added in order to update a Widget after boot.
  7. Due to incompatibility with changed Twitter site behavior, addition of new Twitter accounts is allowed only for Android v.4.2. and higher. You may workaround this using backup/restore. See Issue #92

2014-04-20 v.8.4 (100) Public Timeline and Global Search

  1. "Public" Timeline added to the list of available timelines. The latest messages from the Public Timeline may be fetched on demand for StatusNet-type microblogging systems via "Reload" context menu item. See Issue #73. Public timeline is per a Microblogging system, not per an Account.
  2. Context menu on Public Timeline has a "Global search" item, allowing searching messages online for Twitter and StatusNet-type systems (requires Internet connection). doesn't have a global search service yet.
    Thus the Public timeline shows both messages, "Reloaded" from Public Timeline directly, and messages, retrieved via: "Global Search", "Messages by this User" and Messages, automatically retrieved for Conversation trees.
  3. Options menu in Account activity allows to open Settings e.g. to add new Microblogging system.
  4. Fixed: Android fast scroll thumb disappears after switching Timeline type or "combined" mode.
  5. In the presence of background operations the Timeline is now operating smoothly and doesn't freeze. Potentially long operations moved to the background thread. See Issue #33
  6. Spanish translation added, thanks to Suso Comesaña
  7. Fixed "Preserve screen position after content update". As a Timeline is being updated in the background, new messages don't cause unexpected list scrolling any more. See Issue #7.
  8. Load Average and Vinilox "GNU social" sites are preconfigured, in addition to Quitter.

2014-02-07 v.7.1 (95) Design for the Novice

  1. Getting started with AndStatus is simplified, including creation of the first user account. See Issue #75
  2. Action bar added to the "Settings" and "Account" screens (for Android 4.x+) in order to show a "Way back" to a User. These screens have new, more common names.
  3. "Manage accounts" link in AndStatus Settings now leads directly to the list of accounts avoiding long Android's "System Settings" list. This simplifies working with existing accounts. In order to add the second and further accounts an additional button created. Note: In order to delete an account a User still has to go to the native Android interface: System Settings->Accounts.
  4. A User Guide updated (English and Russian translations). The User Guide is available by tapping the "Learn more" button on the "About AndStatus" screen.

2014-01-26 v.6.3 (93) Multiple instances of Microblogging systems

  1. "Type of Microblogging system" ("twitter" / "" / "" ) separated from the "Microblogging System" of one of these types. Names of these systems are currently: "Twitter" , "" , and lots of systems of the type with their own Names and Hosts, e.g. "Quitter" at the "" host, "Friendica" at some of its hosts ("hubs") etc. Now User may create any number of "Microblogging systems" of the three existing types. In practice, this is mostly useful for the "" sites, including Quitter and Friendica. See ""Preferences"-"Manage Microblogging Systems" menu item.
  2. Implemented "More than one StatusNet server" Issue #58
  3. Added "Allow HTML content" option for each Microblogging system, which allows to see formatted message content. and StatusNet/Friendica support HTML formatting in messages. Issue #60.
  4. Host of each Microblogging system may be configured. This may allow, for example, connection to the Twitter sites through proxy server. On the other hand, this may be not exactly what Issue #43 "Implement Connection via proxy" mean.
  5. Fixed sending messages offline.
  6. Fixed too many requests to the server in some cases.

2013-12-09 v.5.1 (89) Option to show avatars added

  1. Avatars are displayed by default for new installations, but are turned off for upgrades to preserve familiar environment of existing users. In order to turn avatars on please go to Preferences-Appearance and set the "Display Avatars" checkbox. Issue #39.
  2. Fixed "Added accounts are lost when App is moved to SD Card" by adding to the AndroidManifest explicit declaration that AndStatus is allowed to be installed on internal storage only Issue #21. In short: Losing application accounts after moving the app to SD card is expected Android system behavior. In order to address this limitation, AndStatus offers Storage - "Use External Storage" option for its data.

2013-12-05 v.4.1 (87) User timeline improved

  1. Combined "User" Timeline shows messages by all my accounts, not only by currently selected, as it was before Issue #45.
  2. Convenience: If "User" is current timeline, and we see messages by one of my accounts, changing current account doesn't change timeline type, as it was before.
  3. Fixes for Android v.2.x: Improved Conversation view (colored lines added!), message text color fixed.
  4. Fixed "Date parse error causes crash of the application" Issue #52.

2013-12-01 v.4.0 (86) Show the whole conversation tree including later replies

  1. Conversation view extended to show not only previous messages (as before), but also latest replies, if they were already downloaded. Plus other branches of the same tree. Different branched are shown with indentation. Issue #50.
  2. Combined timeline setting now persists between sessions. This is desirable for users who didn't like combined timeline turned on on every startup.
  3. Fixed "Stop following" doesn't work at sites Issue #51.

2013-11-16 v.3.0 (85) Answering in Conversation view added

  1. When clicking on a message in a Timeline, you see the message or the whole thread. You can act on messages of this thread (reply, make favorite etc.) just like in the Timeline view Issue #40.
  2. Theme support extended. Now AndStatus allows selecting Device Default, Light and Dark themes, using Holo themes for compatible devices. Light Theme is fixed for Android v.3+ (because the Holo.Light theme is used, not a legacy theme as for the older devices). Issue #38.

2013-11-01 v.2.1 (84) StatusNet support added

  1. Added support of the "StatusNet"-like sites: "Even though has changed to there are many StatusNet servers outside (and servers that are compatible with the StatusNet API)", see Issue #37. Actually, previously existed support for the Twitter-compatible StatusNet API was re-enabled with two additions: 1. The actual name of the StatusNet server is now customizable (it may be e.g. or any compatible server). You may have several StatusNet accounts in AndStatus application, but all of them should be on the same server. 2. Maximum number of characters in the message is being read from the server's configuration.

2013-10-08 v.1.18.1 (81) Act as... added for multiple accounts in one system

  1. In a case you have more than one account in one Microblogging system, AndStatus adds one more item to the message context menu, allowing you "to act as..." another account on the same message. This feature may be very convenient when e.g. one of the users you are following as an "account1", posts a note, which is more appropriate for discussion (replying or reblogging) as your another identity: "account2". This allows your accounts to be more focused (on one language, one topic etc.) and to avoid following the same user by more than one of your accounts.
  2. "Following" timeline always shows names of the users being followed by our account(s), even for reblogged messages.
  3. Accounts in the "Select an Account" list are sorted alphabetically. Accounts, which are not successfully authenticated, are shown in parentheses. Go to "Manage accounts" to fix them.
  4. Fixed User follow/unfollow action for

2013-09-29 v.1.17.1 (79) support added

  1. is a new application by the authors of StatusNet and of service as it was before July 2013. is also a new engine for the site, which now is a part of the federated, distributed social network. AndStatus sees the whole network as one Microblogging system supporting user accounts from all its nodes not limiting to the site only. After installation of this app version old accounts and data are automatically converted to be used with the new system. Issue #34.
  2. Internal app structure redone in order to accommodate different microblogging systems. A suite of automated tests created to increase the quality of the releases.

2013-07-12 v.1.16.0 (77) Timeline synchronization is managed by Android core

  1. Timeline synchronization is greatly improved because now Android itself does this smartly for us. A user can Configure account sync options individually for each account with Android built-in tools (in Settings-> Personal -> Accounts & Sync). E.g. a user may turn Auto-sync on and off for an account. Issue #29. As a result of this change, "Automatic updates" setting was removed from preferences. Please enable Sync in Settings for your old accounts after installing this version of the application!
  2. New preference added: Notification of "Commands in the queue" to be sent. Off by default. Issue #23.
  3. Creation of new accounts disabled, sync for accounts doesn't work. This is because the service changed its underlying API from Twitter-compatible (StatusNet) to PumpIo. Hope to add support for the new API in a reasonable time...

2013-06-02 v.1.15.1 (75) Follow and Stop following a User

  1. Follow and "Stop following a user" actions added. For a retweeted (reblogged) message you may Follow/Unfollow both a Sender and/or an Author of the message. Issue #14.
  2. "Following" timeline added. This new timeline shows one latest message per followed user (per account in the "combined" view). You may Stop following a User right from this timeline.

2013-04-17 v.1.14.0 (73) Managing accounts is easier now

  1. Now it takes less steps for the User to start using this application after creation of the first AndStatus account.
  2. Internal code fixing aimed at improving concurrency management.

2013-03-30 v.1.13.1 (72) User Timeline and Undo Reblog

  1. The new "User" timeline added. Normally when you select "User" from the list of the timelines, timeline of the current Account is shown. But when you select the "Messages by this User" context menu item, a "User" timeline for the selected User is been shown. The timeline has messages from the cache which are shown immediately. The "Reload" options menu loads the timeline from the Internet. If you have "Automatic updates" enabled in preferences, the User's timeline will be updated asynchronously even without the manual "Reload" command. Issue #18.
  2. "Tweet/Blog" button can be accessed using keys. Issue #31.
  3. In the combined timeline, actions on a selected message may be done on behalf of the selected account. I.e. not only on behalf of the account whose timeline the message belongs to. This allows subscribing to the message in one accound and replying to it from another (e.g. from the account which is more relevant to the topic of current message).
  4. "Undo reblog" implemented. Each reblog (retweet) of the same message (tweet) is shown as a separate item in the timeline now. This allows to undo reblog from specific account. Information about original reblogger is stored also (in case we received the message already as a reblog).
  5. Help (welcome) screen improved and it gives now more information for the first time users.

2013-02-17 v.1.12.0 (70) Migration to the Twitter API v.1.1.

  1. Migration to the Twitter API v.1.1. Twitter plans to start turning off an older API after March 1, so this upgrade will be required very soon. See Issue #30

2012-12-23 v.1.11.4 (69) Combined timeline added

  1. Terminology, independent from, is used. From now on we will avoid all proprietary terms for non-Twitter accounts. At the same time, in order to comply with Twitter "Developer Display Requirements", we will use alternative (Twitter's proprietary) terms "tweet" and "retweet" in Twitter accounts and messages ("tweets"). See Issue #15.
  2. Combined timeline added. In a case of many accounts it's becoming harder to check for new messages in each account. A "Combined timeline" allows both read all new messages in one stream and search for all messages stored locally in all accounts, even if they were downloaded from different systems. The "Home Combined" timeline shows not only messages from "Home" timelines of all accounts, but also messages, downloaded during other requests: e.g. previous messages of Conversations. You can do all usual operations with messages in the Combined Timeline, including favoriting, replying and reblogging.
  3. Timeline type selection (Home/Favorites/Mentions/Direct Messages) moved from a legacy "Options menu" to the top bar.
  4. French translation added. Thanks to Kevin C.
  5. Application Help screens rearranged and are accessible through Preferences-"About AndStatus" menu. You may use swipe gestures to turn help pages left and right. Change Log is also accessible locally via Preferences-"Change Log".
  6. In case you have accounts from more that one Microblogging system, the "Select an account" button shows not only username but but name of the system also. See Issue #24.

2012-08-12 v.1.10.0 (62) Share via AndStatus

  1. "Share via AndStatus" added for text data (including Web page sharing). E.g. in a Web browser select "Share" menu item and you will see "AndStatus" in the list of destinations. Choose AndStatus, and the page title and its URL will be inserted into the new tweet.

2012-08-06 v.1.9.1 (61) Conversation view

  1. Single message (Tweet) view expanded to show full conversation in case the Tweet is a reply to other Tweet. Previous Tweets are being retrieved asynchronously.
  2. Fixed replies for

2012-08-01 v.1.8.0 (59) support added

  1. support added. Currently only basic authentication works (i.e. no OAuth for yet).

2012-07-28 v.1.7.0 (58) Manage Accounts code adapted for Jelly Bean

  1. Manage Accounts code adapted for Jelly Bean. The app works ok on Android v.2.2 - 4.1 now.

2012-07-07 v.1.6.0 (57) Send Direct Message added

  1. Send Direct Message added.
  2. Message is counted as new only if it didn't exist in the database yet.
  3. While editing tweet, system calculates characters left taking shortened URL's length into account!
  4. Too long wake lock fixed.

2012-06-09 v.1.5.0 (56) Multiple User accounts support

  1. Multiple User Accounts support added. User can easily switch timeline between accounts.
  2. Accounts are managed using Android Account Manager (in "Accounts and sync" device settings). This is why new permissions were added.
  3. Fix for "Use External Storage" option for Android v.4.0. This fix forced us to compile package against Android v.4.0 (API 15). However AndStatus still works for Android v.2.2 and higher.
  4. Fixed Search and "Loading..." layouts for Android v.4.0.

2012-03-20 v.1.4.2 (55) "Native" Retweets, Advanced Data Model and moving to Android 2.2

  1. "Native" Retweet implemented. Tweets retweeted in AndStatus are shown as "Retweeted" in also.
  2. Home timeline shows authors of Retweets, not users who retweeted them.
  3. Underlying Data model has been totally redesigned in order to be able to accommodate upcoming enhancements: 1. Multiple user Accounts. 2. Multiple Instant messaging systems (, etc.). 3. References between messages (tweets, dents, statuses…), Users and Accounts. Unfortunately advanced SQL queries used in the code are not supported by the SQLite engine built-in Android prior v.2.2 (API 8). This means that this updated application works only on Android v.2.2 and above.
  4. WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission was added to the Manifest. Otherwhise "Use External Storage" doesn't work (after compilation for API 8. It worked for API 3 though..).

2012-02-25 v.1.3.2 (52) External storage

  1. Added "Use External Storage" option. When a User changes this option, System moves database file to External storage and back when this option is set to use Internal storage.
  2. Deprecated "Statuses/friends_timeline" API changed to "statuses/home_timeline". "Friends" menu item replaced with "Home" to reflect this change.

2011-10-26 v.1.2.2 (46)

  1. Implemented "Move Enter your tweet here field to it's own screen" request (Issue 60)
  2. Added option to Share tweet.
  3. Improved interface of the "User credentials" group of Preferences to make it more clear for new users (Issue 61)
  4. Internal application changes that require recreating AndStatus Widget after upgrade to this version.
  5. Fixed: Sometimes succeeds to create/delete favorite, but doesn't change 'favorited' flag in the returned tweet. Sometimes it fails, but doesn't indicate error. (This is feature: asynchronous processes…)
  6. Fixed: Issue 45: Manually setting a username and authenticating with another does not work.
  7. Fixed: Issue 50: tells me credentials are for other user.
  8. Fixed: Errors in the Service when it's stopped during command execution.

2011-09-23 v.1.1.7 (43)

  1. Working offline or in bad connection conditions is implemented. Now User doesn't have to wait for the "Command execution on a Server" after updating his status (i.e. sending a tweet) and may continue reading and writing tweets, making them Favorite etc. while AndStatus stores all the commands in the queue and retries delivery upon every automatic update and also during any manual command (Reload or Status update). User is being notified about number of messages currently in the Output queue (If Notifications are being enabled). Queues of unsent commands persist in the phone's memory. Even after shutdown for Android v.1.6 and up.
  2. Changes in the application permissions. Two (location) permissions were removed, one permission was added to help asynchronous message delivery (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE).
  3. Improved user experience during initial configuration till first tweets loading
  4. "Verify" preference moved to the top of the "User Credentials" preference's section, because User can really start from tapping it (typing Username is not required for OAuth)!
  5. Widget shows last time when data was successfully downloaded from the server, not when there was last attempt to do this (maybe it failed…)
  6. New Preference "Minimum logging level" added to allow changing Logging level from within the application Preferences.
  7. Another pass of timeline code cleaning. Now AndStatus's timelines open faster thanks to less requests and redrawing.
  8. Fixed issue 12 "Themes do not apply until app is restarted"
  9. Fixed bug preventing timeline position restore.
  10. Fixed errors loading data from the Internet due to parallel OAuth requests. (e.g. during initial loading of the User's timeline).
  11. Fixed blank screen in Preferences activity during authentication after redirect from Twitter web site.
  12. Fixed "black on black" tweet text on "Single tweet" window on Android v.2.3.3

2011-02-19 v.1.0.5 (35)

  1. "Favorites" list added.
  2. Favorites are protected from automatic deletion (unlike other old tweets)
  3. Click on Widget opens the timeline, that has something new, in this order: messages, mentions, tweets
  4. Maximum History time (to store tweets) is 1 year now
  5. OAuth is On By Default.
  6. Mentions are not "quick Search" any more, they are just another type of "Timeline". So we may search in Mentions also.
  7. "Automatic updates" setting is not being turned off by the System. (in beta1:)
  8. Fixed issue: Old records are not being deleted.